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Email Marketing: 7 Reasons Why Every Small Business & Entrepreneur Should Be Using It

Technology has paved the way for many new modes of communication and the traditional postal “snail mail” has become second choice to the faster and more efficient communication system of electronic mail (aka email).

The use of email has been embraced by both individuals and businesses.  The fact that just about everyone who has a computer and internet connection has an email address opens the doors to greater marketing opportunities for small businesses.

Listed below are 7 Reasons Why Every Small Business and Entrepreneur Should Be Using Email Marketing:

  1. No more stamps, envelopes, and the endless waiting time for delivery. With a computer and internet connection you can now have your message delivered with the click of a mouse.
  2. Information is more accessible and useful – from presale communication and acquiring customers to postsale services and follow ups.
  3. Small businesses and entrepreneurs can keep track of customer information, their preferences, their last purchase and their present and future interests.
  4. Email marketing is designed for regular communication which is key to acquiring and maintaining customers.
  5. Can be customized to specific target groups and programmed for delivery at specified times.
  6. The systems can be set up in advance to run automatically thus providing small business owners and entrepreneurs more free time to spend on other areas of their business.
  7. Email marketing is cost effective. It can reach a wider audience in a shorter time with little cost.

For small businesses and entrepreneurs who utilize email marketing, the speed and efficiency of the communication system is undeniably invaluable.

No better time like the present to start implementing an email marketing campaign.

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If you’d like an immediate start with marketing your business online using email marketing, send me an email.